Wonder Balm from Vemel

It’s no secret that the beauty industry is often rife with myths and fallacies. And whilst they may have been born from some truth, sometimes these words of advice can get a little blurred along the way – and other times they’re just flat out wrong. Either way, we think it’s time to separate the fact from the fiction, and bust some less common myths that many of us have at some point believed to be true!

  1. ‘Packaging Doesn’t Matter, It’s What’s Inside That Counts’

For way too long we as consumers have been fed the idea that a high quality product that works to its fullest potential is all about the ingredients, and perhaps more recently the idea that the actual formula of a product (ie the quantities of each ingredient and how they work with eachother) is what determines whether a product will work or not. This hyperfocus on ingredients (hence the surge in single ingredient skincare) has allowed a crucial component to slip through the cracks: packaging. The chances are most, if not all, of your skincare products are packaged in plastic – because unfortunately, the beauty industry’s contribution to the global plastic crisis is just not being tackled fast enough, despite the sheer scale it is on, and detrimental impact it is having. Meaning the shelves are lined with single use plastic skincare more than ever before. Studies have found that over 120 billion units of packaging are produced each year, by the global cosmetic industry alone. In fact the Environmental Investigation Agency has found that 633 marine species are being impacted, that we know of, by the plastic problem. Not only is the problem an environmental and ecological one, but it even undermines the quality of the products we’re using in the first place. The life cycle of plastic is short, because it is massively impacted by it’s surroundings. So even factors like sunlight can cause the plastic to degrade quickly, and therefore disrupt the product inside. And unfortunately, most plastics contain toxins, which are then absorbed into the product over time, and then ingested by us upon application. But it’s not all bad news – because change is coming. Now more than ever before, we are seeing a growing push to protect our environment, marine life, and our own health. A belief that is at the very core of Vemels values. Which is why each and every Vemel product you received is packaging in high quality glass jars and bottles, opaque to protect from UV damage, and rightly sealed to protect active ingredients from air – all this and fully recyclable too. Because we don’t see the need to skimp out when it comes to skin.

  1. ‘Using anti-aging products too soon can make it harder for the products to be effective in the future’

To put it simply, no. Using anti-aging creams and serums from a younger age does not render them ineffective later in life. Anti-aging products more often than not contain collagen boosting ingredients in order to encourage cell turnover, which is a process that slows and decreases as we age. This is a process that in our youth, the skin is fully capable of itself. Which means products designed for anti-aging are just not necessary when our skin is able to achieve the same result without any help, however when introduced earlier can work as preventative skincare, since the ageing process starts in our 20’s but the visible signs take longer to appear.  This does not mean that the impact later will be negative, simply that you can’t enjoy the product for what it is intended for now, as that is not a skin concern you are struggling with. You may however enjoy the moisturising properties that are often included in anti-aging products, designed to plump up the skin.

  1. ‘The order you apply your skincare doesn’t make a difference’

Whilst we’re told about the basic skincare steps we need in any routine, usually little to no focus is drawn to the order we apply them. The truth is, it matters. Ultimately, our skin is designed to keep things out, so getting products to penetrate through its many protective layers takes thought. Simply applying them in any order can not only prevent the skin from properly absorbing a product (wasting your efforts and money!) but in some instances it can even cause damage by disrupting the skin barrier, resulting in some not so pleasant symptoms – from clogged pores and acne to excessive dryness. So, the one thing we can all agree on is that every routine starts with a cleanser: if you are double cleansing with different types of cleansers you first start with an oil cleanse, and then follow up with a water based or milky type of cleanser. Sometimes you might find a product that works wonderfully as a first and second cleanse, and it’s perfectly fine to use it twice to make sure the skin has broken down any make up, sunscreen or grime, and left the skin ready and prepped for the next step. A good example is the Vemel No.1 Cleansing Oil, an oil to milk formula when adding water, this cleanser removes even the most stubborn mascara (without rubbing or stinging!) as well as injecting the skin with a multivitamin and antioxidant boost. Follow this up with your serum, usually this step will be tailored to any skin concerns you have in particular, like dryness and dehydration or hyperpigmentation and reducing signs of aging. In the morning you can simply follow this up with your sunscreen. Whereas in the evening you can seal everything off with a moisturiser for the final step to your simply but effective routine.

  1. ‘Eye creams and moisturisers are just the same thing’

We’ve all probably heard at some point that ‘an eyecream is just a glorified moisturiser’ and that we should just apply our moisturiser all the way up and it’ll have the same result. Well, the truth is the results aren’t the same because the skin isn’t the same. The skin around our eyes is a lot thinner than the rest of our face – in fact it’s the thinnest skin on our entire body, meaning it is a lot more sensitive and requires more care. Which is where eye creams come into play – eye creams are designed to target specific concerns we struggle with in the delicate eye area, and are gentle enough to not cause irritation. Which is why when it came to Vemels Intense Age Repair Eye & Lip Cream, our founder Agi was intentional and selective about which ingredients make sense for that area of the skin.

For instance, whilst many brands include Aloe Vera in powder or liquid form, which is therefore stabilised with alcohol, Intense Age Repair includes pure Aloe Vera, so it’s hydration and antioxidant properties can be enjoyed to its fullest, completely free from the damage alcohol can cause to the skin. And, whilst she was certain the benefits of coconut was a must for the cream, to avoid the heaviness of coconut in such a delicate area she opted for Coconut Pulp Extract, helping to create a vitamin and antioxidant filled product, tailor made with love.

Ultimately, myths in the beauty industry are a constant – but sometimes we need to dig a little deeper and arm ourselves with the knowledge to avoid falling into just another marketing attempt, giving our skin the best opportunity to flourish.

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