Wonder Balm from Vemel
When it comes to the Summer, the heat can leave us with a little more than we bargained for; from dry skin to breakouts, from sun burn to inflammation. Fortunately with a few tips on ways to protect the skin from heat related irritants, we can focus on all things sunshine and lounging.
1. Sunny Days and A Little Extra Dryness
Exposure to the sun, particularly for a prolonged period of time can leave the skin feeling dry. This occurs through a process of evaporation, where the suns powerful UV rays are emitted and once reaching the skins surface are able to form enough kinetic energy to essentially break down the moisture our skin is holding from liquid form molecules in the skin to a gas (water vapor). The water vapor in its new gas state is then released into the air, which explains why our skin feels a little parched after a particularly long sunbathe. In moderation, the process of evaporation is vital for the body to maintain its temperature, and will kick in when the body overheats as a result of the weather of physical activity. But in excess, it can cause potential damage to the skins moisture barrier. Which is why restoring that moisture loss and protecting the skin barrier from damage is crucial for the overall health of the skin, but specifically to prevent dryness. Including a moisturiser which is known for its hydration powers is crucial – which is why at Vemel we created our Vitamin Rich Face Butter to nourish, hydrate and heal your skin through the ever changing seasons. A blend of upcycled pomegranate sterols and green algae lipids have been carefully curated to offer a boost of hydration, whilst also reducing water loss to minimise dry, dehydrated skin – so you can keep your youthful glow year round.
2. Water Activities
With sun, comes water – whether its beach days out, or a day by the pool, the warmer weather tends to draw us closer to all things water related, but this can have its impact on our skin too. Swimming in indoor and outdoor pools can lead to chlorine exposure, resulting in symptoms like dryness and irritation and in more severe cases even rashes. In order to minimise the impact of the chlorine whilst still being able to have a swim in the pool its important to cleanse the skin post swim yo remove as much of the chlorine from the surface of the skin. Don’t forget after cleansing to follow up by rehydrating with a moisturiser, taking particular care of sensitive areas like the eye area. Whilst many of us may be aware that the eye area of the skin is thinner than the rest of the skin, did you know there are also fewer oil glands around the eyes? This makes it harder to retain moisture, particularly after a swim in the sun where it is peak dry skin conditions.
Our Intense Age Repair Eye and Lip Cream is designed with sensitivity in mind, both in the ingredients it includes and avoids; free from fragrance and essential oils as well as being waterless, this product is pure and potent and derived from all of the earths goodness. Aloe Vera, Kiwi Seed Oil and Coconut Pulp Extract are just a few of the ingredients which allow this product to boost collagen, elastin and lipid production and prevent overall moisture loss – giving an overall healthy complexion.
3. Sweat and the Skin
Naturally as the temperature climbs, our sweat increases. Like we mentioned earlier, this is merely a sign of our body doing its job to care for and protect us. But increased sweat and oil production can increase our chances of clogged pores and lead to breakouts. This can be remedied by making a conscious effort to cleanse morning and evening throughout the summer months to prevent a build up of sweat on the skin. Top tip: opt for an oil based cleanser to break down the sebum build up on the skin and rid the skin of impurities.
Our skin requires protection from the sun all year around, but putting in place these simple measures to give our skin the very best chance of remaining healthy (even as the weather heats up) means we can rest easy knowing our skin is taken care of.
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